


Survival:Disappear Without Trace, Find Food, Build Shelter, Filter Water And Start A Fire In The Deepest WildernessDownload This Great Book Today! Available To Read On Your Computer, MAC, Smartphone, Kindle Reader, iPad, or Tablet!


The Earth is huge and never more so than when you find yourself isolated from your companions and lost. This is a particularly dangerous and surprisingly common occurrence in the deepest wilderness areas around the world. Of course, some people choose to disappear for days or even weeks at a time simply to confirm they can deal with everything nature throws at them. These people generally go prepared with basic supplies. But what if you are not one of them, a trip gone wrong or even an accident leaves you stranded and lost; how will you survive?


This book will guide you through the art of survival and how it is a skill which everyone should learn now, not wait until they actually need it. It will also cover a range of important topics, including: The range of food sources available in the wilderness and the importance of water; particularly how to locate it and ensure it is clean enough to drink.How to build a shelter, including several example shelters and the key components of any shelter.Getting a fire started and several key survival tips to help ensure you can survive, no matter what the situation.

Nathan Craig
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